
See where we are heading

We are constantly evolving and improving Dependency Map for Jira. Subscribe to our newsletter below and recieve news directly to your inbox.

  • Short term

    Customized sort order

    Allow the sort order for field values to be customized.

  • Short term

    Customized link style

    Allow the style (color, line shape) to be configured for a map.

  • Short term

    Improve the favorites list

    Make it easier to reorder favorites.

  • Medium term

    Indicate diagram filter/sorting customizations

    Make it easy to see if a map has customized filter and/or sorting rules.

  • Medium term

    Export to PDF

    Download a printable PDF that contains your entire map.

  • Medium term

    In-map creation of issues

    Create a new issue directly in the map: select a location and enter a summary.

  • Medium term

    Mark resolved issues with strike through

    Mark the issue key with strike through font for resolved issues.

  • Medium term

    Shared settings for site, project, user

    Allow sharing settings on site, project and user level. For e.g. customization of colors. Site settings would be overriden by project settings and so on.

  • Long term

    Highlight links that go the “wrong way”

    Optionally highlight links that goes against the sort order of the row/column. Makes it easy to find logical errors – like an issue that is blocked by an issue in a future sprint.


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